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Puppy - Kun's answer page 13 (252)

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I like to suck on too suckers at a time   reply
20 09,2020
You can follow me,taku,hiroomi,cut the camara dead ass.   reply
09 09,2020
my story starts nowhere I'm in love with 2D characters and womyn and trans and non-binary people and I don't have the confidence to talk to anyone #introvert   3 reply
11 08,2020
Practice your Art style I'm still trying to find mine.   1 reply
08 09,2020
Puppy - Kun
21 09,2020
That beautiful ! This is deep!   reply
21 09,2020
Puppy - Kun
31 08,2020
I thought you were going to say you were choking on something not choking yourself   reply
31 08,2020
Nope I ain't talking bout my child hood cause it was fucked up   1 reply
19 09,2020
I had a dream on Friday August 23, I was walking along the street with some friends and I go to check my phone. I checked messenger and it was some guy that went by jin yung min. The text said" you know we have work to do so grab the stuff" then I magically appear in a room with this tall handsome guy, he looks at me and puts out hand" give me the ......   reply
19 09,2020
What is love baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more   reply
26 08,2020
I would love to go to South Korea. I live in America and I am tired of seeing the same things over and over again. I also want to pursue my art and my books there.   reply
16 09,2020