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ky.'s question (2)

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i just want to know if im experiencing the same as everybody.

i dont believe in god, and my parents keeps forcing me to believe in their beliefs. i just want to live a life where im not force to do anything just because this and that is a must. they kept forcing me to pray, and im scared rn on what they might do to me if keep on disobeying. is it really that hard to live freely? ppl just want to live why do we need to struggle so much?

im not yet in a legal age to runaway to do something, due to my fear on my parents. and if i did im sure i'll end up nothing. my mom's family is way to religious, im not joking if i tell yall that my uncle and grandpa killed somebody that pissed them off, ofc they faced the consequences of it. but if they were to learn what i am thinking, im good as dead. while my father have the tendency to be abusive he've done it many times.

idek anymore, everything is just making me tired lately.
03 05,2021
you identify yourself as asexual but is attracted to fictional characters, are you still asexual even if your still not sexually attracted to real living people? also, are our feelings towards fictional character doesn't count such as to our sexuality attraction and stuff?

a friend of mine who is also asexual asked me this and i got confused too. im not well-versed in this type of subject, so pardon me if this sounds dumb and ridiculous to you.
21 05,2021