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mafuyu's answer (14)

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um Jaerim from Never Understand OBVIOUSLY   7 reply
27 06,2020
movie and book, i really love him :(   1 reply
02 10,2020
as john mulaney once said   1 reply
24 08,2020
my laugh :( many people have told me my laugh sounds fake so im kinda afraid to laugh in public   2 reply
24 07,2020
i recently saw Anohana bc apparently it was supposed to be super sad and amazing and.....yeah no. i like sat there awkwardly while all the characters were sobbing on the screen. there were maybe 2 characters i found interesting. i also feel the same way about Clannad. i couldnt even finish After Story bc i just got sick of it.   reply
03 08,2020
mafuyu 11 07,2020
i listen to music while im doing hw, chores, drawing, exercising, anything. i even listen to music while im taking a shower. and when im playing stardew valley i also play different music bc the sounds annoy me lol   reply
11 07,2020
you didnt respect the pouch   reply
02 05,2021
that means u take good care of ur teeth lol, so good job   reply
09 05,2021
well since im the only one i will say yep they know xP. well at least they know that i like to ship 2 guys, not so much the gay sex. most ppl dont talk about the porn they watch with their parents lol but yeah when they initially found out i was really upset and embarrassed, but now since its out in the open i make jokes about it, no point in bein......   reply
16 10,2020
in terms of stories, characters, and art i think i like both equally. however as i have gotten older i have come to appreciate webtoons more because many of the stories take place in college or work settings. i know there are some manga that have those settings as well, but so many of them take place during high school, and after a while it get......   reply
08 07,2020
Most of my friends have been toxic I guess. I had one friend that said she wanted to punch me in the face behind my back. And then later she told people that it was my fault we weren't friends anymore. I also had a childhood friend that I really cared about, but as we got older she started to hang out with people that were "cooler," and would prett......   reply
02 07,2020
disability is not just physical! but i actually agree, in general society does not allow disabled people to be perceived in any sexual or romantic capacity bc we are infantilized and if there is some sort of interest its treated as if whoever is attracted has deviant interests or a fetish. like someone being attracted to a disabled person can't po......   reply
19 04,2024
yeah im agreeing with everyone else here you shouldn't be aspiring for some "ideal" weight. forget about the number on the scale and focus on improving your body so that you feel healthy and happy. motivation for exercise, i would probably suggest to have long term and small term goals. decide what you ultimately want to achieve. and to get there......   3 reply
10 07,2020