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CherryblossomAT's answer (7)

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about question
Cestelle is one of the smartest people I have met. He is scary and has a very high guard on him, but ik he cares for ppl especially for the ones who knew him for a couple of months now. He only says what he says to tell off idiots on here. So if you’re scared of him, you really shouldn’t be. He only says the truth. He’s brutally honest and i......   5 reply
07 01,2021
Wow! Lovely experience! Make sure to remember, Treesomes are only on Wednesdays. The trees give off so much more of a load then.   1 reply
30 04,2021
Dude these ppl dumb asf.   reply
04 10,2020
Y’all need to join. It’s so fun and chaotic! You’ll meet some of the best and sexiest ppl there!!!   2 reply
19 01,2021
Okay but one thing for sure is if you’re gonna write essays about Cest. Y’all better start adding full on proof or no one gonna believe you.   2 reply
25 04,2021
about question
This is a legit outfit I have lol   reply
02 03,2021
I just joined! It's a really great server for people who are Fujo/Fudan's! Here's the link! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
26 04,2020