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kiss-my-axe's question page 2 (43)

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about question
I know for a fucking FACT that if half of these Semes that y'all (those who like this dumb semes like sangwoo and potn seme) didn't look like how they did yall would be agreeing with us but no since mans is hot its ok?!
Oh shit uke got raped multiple times! But its ok bc the top is hot
Ugh I wished sang woo could break my ankles
I literally cringe anytime one of these hoes say some shit like that.
I'm finna say this once
literally ignores the ukes feeling,ignores that fact that they get away with anything!
Consent?! Who she!? Never heard of her
(also side note:is it just me or are all the Semes for some reason rich in every popular yaoi??!)
12 07,2021
about question
FINALLY! i've been missing everyone's funny comments under mangas
19 07,2023
about question
I'm even trying to be funny rn i legit want to know what its like. Being stuck at home made me realize i really had no friends so now im stuck
01 03,2021
im so disappointed T^T
29 04,2021
about question
It’s not many options but it’s cute so why not
14 04,2021
about question
06 02,2024
Favorite reaction pic yall!! (it's so i could steal them)
06 02,2024
Here’s ur chance to let it all out and relax
No rlly I found out a lot today and I feel like y’all need a break so here ya go :D
25 04,2021
12 05,2021
sO i made a discord server bc one yall is funny as hell and two I wanna see how funny yall can get XD soo if yall feel like it join ....pls XD
12 05,2021
13th is u 20th is ur sister 19th is ur brother and 25th is the dog
have fun~
25 05,2021
about question
23 04,2021
about birthday
I’m happy so I’m spreading the joy hope u all have a wonderful day <3
26 04,2021
about drawing
gets drawn in one of those group drawings :D
I feel like drawing sooo why not I post the link pick which one u like best and which everyone has the most votes I'll draw that one
28 04,2021
about did a pov
Ur sitting in ur seat next to you is ur best friend ( 4th pic)
Ur teacher is getting ready to start class (21 pic)
The popular girl is using her make up (15 pic)
There's a new boy in your class (10th pic)
Your crush is asking for gum (28th pic )
30 06,2021
Isn't it funn how they made a word for the sound effect of beating ya meat? Like they really had to sit and listen to the sound to figure out what letters put together makes that sound..anyways!

When i tell y'all this server used to be it. it was very lively but a lot of drama happened and it just sorta died... BUT BUT hear me out right, we need some new people, bc the ppl we got in it rn ain't making the situation better by leaving it ded like this, SO PLEASE I'M BEGGING ON MY KNEES JOIN! I BEG
(It will expire in 30 days)
20 08,2023
about question
The other one I did I noticed that there were some guys doing this so I found some for da boyss (and girls if you want no pressure)
27 04,2021
Storytime: In my house, we have a door stopper so it stops the door from making holes in the wall, So when I was younger and we just moved into the house I somehow convinced myself that the door stopper was a switch to open a hidden room. SO every day for at least 3 years I would get up and look for the room, I was told that before my family moved into the house it was some old lady how lived there and being the young child I was so how thought that all old ppl had cool stuff in their houses. So when anyone asked me how many rooms I got I would always say 4 and then when the kids would come over I made them believe that there was a hidden room, so not only was I lying to the kids I was also lying to myself. So anyways today I was sitting on my bed and the memory of me looking for the room flashed into my head and I go, "But wait that was a door stopper??"
The end
08 06,2021
This is my discord server just come hang out, talk, laugh etc.
I'll make one just for yaoi or 2D simping xD heres da link
10 03,2021
So I am the biggest Johnny Depp Willy Wonka simp there EVER was!! but that’s besides the point. I looked up how much is the factory (it’s real and I’m not jokin) and like it’s 4.5 million and So far I have... *counts fingers* 2 dollars I just need four million four hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight....
12 04,2021
DON'T worry about paying My Father Elong Mustang is gonna pay for it all!! i just wanna see what yall have to offer who ever has the best we getting married :D
26 05,2021