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Isrsaaaa's answer (5)

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GLASSES and maid outfit *-*   1 reply
04 10,2020
Dolls...I'm an adult now and yet I still want someone to give me dolls on my birthday every year..idk why my mom says I'm weird   1 reply
11 02,2021
Hi,since u offered I'm gonna take the chance and talk bout my problems...soo I'm addicted to trying to kill myself,i think about it all the time and I try whenever I get the chance,my mom found out ones but she didn't say anything,but that long time ago so she proly thinks I'm okey now.. at this point I feel I'm falling apart slowly and my life is ......   1 reply
25 12,2020
Abusive ? Yes previously physically but now it's just verbally. alcoholic ? No   reply
22 02,2024
I'm not very proud to say I'm from this country called Algeria situated in Africa (〒﹏〒)   1 reply
10 02,2021