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Tecarota's question (3)

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Am i the only one who feels like they read bl/gl/romance to cope with the fact that i know that im probably never gonna get a suitable suitor and will die alone in a hospital bed as a dicrepit old man/woman ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
07 03,2021
Since 2020 is ending in less than 24 hours
Im curious as to what was the shittiest thing that happened in this incredibly shitty year

Mine is a dumb decision I made I decided to binge read all a shit ton of depressing Mangas for a day, only ate like a bag of chips and drank 1 cup of water and like cried for the whole day, then I got a migraine for like 10 hours after cause obviously that was a dump decision.
30 12,2020
22 12,2020
There are a shit load of horrible semes but what ukes do you hate the most?
22 12,2020