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Sazz's answer page 6 (117)

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yellow cacao   reply
10 02,2021
Hmm, well, i would like the seme to be a wolf in a sheep΄s clothing..... I find it interesting and sexy.   reply
09 09,2016
Yes, i have because living with mental illness is painful. The thing is, I don't really want to die, i just want to stop hurting. I have irregular periods as well, something which makes my illness a hundred times worse.   reply
13 days
Totally a dom seme   reply
09 10,2017
Well, my very first anime wa vampire knight.... Bad start right? My poor heart couldn΄t take it anymore...   6 reply
11 07,2016
Yep, i'm bi i love women equally as i like men :D   1 reply
27 10,2017
It started when i was 12-13. I found out because my parents didn't control what i watched on the internet. No idea how it started though, can't really remember. It may have been due to Wattpad.Anyway, i used to be obsessed because i hated how they wrote female characters as if they're not human with no personalities. Now that I'm 22 i just read wha......   reply
23 days
about question
so my cat is my worst enemy? It's okay, she's too cute to hate.   reply
13 04,2021
My mole is placed a bit lower tho   reply
22 04,2021
Well, i was 13 years old and to tell you the truth, i was shocked by what i saw because due to my bad luck, my first yaoi was Haradas work lol! I think you can imagine how my face was but i΄ll show you anyway here;   reply
25 05,2016
06 12,2020
not sure if it'll help, but i learned the hard way that if you try to fight off and ignore the intrusive thoughts then they'll get worse so just let the thoughts pass. It will make you suffer or even make you disgusted with yourself if it's some sort of taboo subtype OCD but it will end, at least for that specific day.   reply
06 12,2020
Greece (⌒▽⌒)   10 reply
03 07,2017
Interesting. Hopefully i'll get matched with someone who likes mbti and is an introvert.   reply
12 07,2021
Well, i hate the type of yaoi were the uke is more girly than a girl and gets raped by a fucking asshole, but ends up loving him anyway because this is ¨supposed¨ to be a way to ¨express love¨. Such a sitty way to show your love to someone just as much shitty as an extremely dumb uke. Ukes like that are usually named as ¨innocent¨ but the ri......   4 reply
18 06,2016