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ur missing homework || he/they's question page 3 (96)

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about question
I've mostly seen this happen with "yuri" manga and anime. Now, I get really happy when I see realistic wlw and mlm representation, and I love to read to both BL and GL. So it should be pretty normal for me to be excited to see more of it, right? but when the anime/manga actually "starts", I notice that whatever I was getting so hyped up over is just one of the "they're my bestfriend and I'd like to do everything with them!" bullcrap again. I'm not saying that I hate the author(s) or anything, but I'm just tired of getting used to it. Also, It's not rare to see straight romance at all but the heteros always complain how **we** are getting too much representation when it's actually the complete opposite. Well, back to the queerbait topic, I don't wanna get so excited to see wlw/mlm rep only to get disappointed with the "bestfriends" shit again. Also, before anyone hits me with "there literally is a lot of rep?? there's so many english movies out there that-", no. I have tried watching that kinda stuff way too often but I just can't relate to it. I live in an asian household where women are supposed to learn cooking, cleaning, studying, grow up to be become a graceful woman and get married to a man but I genuinely don't want that. I would rather be homeless than live the kind of life where I would be filled with regrets. I get anxiety attacks whenever my parents simply bring up the topic of LGBTQ+. How could y'all expect me to relate to english movies where the MC lives in a perfect white household with a loving family? It's fine if y'all don't agree with me because I just wanted to get this out there.
10 04,2021
How did the first person on earth know how to..speak? like even think in general. Did they just think,,,,,pictures? That makes no sense but how was a language even created? How did people communicate with each other before they knew how to speak a language?????
07 03,2021
about question
it's funny how straight couples in anime don't even have to have any romantic scenes to prove that they're together but when it's a queer couple and it's canonly proven that they've kissed, or something even more, it's still not gonna be "enough" to prove that they're together since they could be "just friends".

ironic, isn't it?
20 05,2021
what do u think of it
28 06,2021
Just asking bc I wanna make a playlist

Shit named 'gender' by takayan really destroyed me :')
08 03,2021
about question
apparently, if you like the feeling of holding in your piss, you have a piss kink.

anyways how is your day going (●'◡'●)ノ
02 06,2021
about question
why do some mfs call their own mom a milf
17 06,2021
about question
can you guys please recommend me some manga similar to pandora hearts or vanitas no carte?
26 05,2021
about lmao
apparently there's these gross mfs on tiktok that joke about periods saying shit like "mommy your period blood must taste soo good lemme get a lick"

yeah someone actually said that to me and it honestly made me feel so uncomfortable like ?? it's not fucking funny, it's not okay even as a joke.

people are even not trusting anyone that goes by he/him pronouns now since *those* mfs have that in their bio and all, and people also misgender trans men ON PURPOSE just because they go by he/him pronouns ?? what the fuck is wrong with everyone

not to mention, the person who said that to me was much older than me and a complete stranger

don't try to brush it off as just a joke this is just disgusting
20 05,2021
TW: Mentions of violence/assault, racism and
Alright, I know mangago isn't the best place to be talking about such a serious issue but I want as much as people as I can to be aware of the struggles asian americans are facing. Actually, this isn't only happening in America but also other countries such as Canada and even more. Asians who live in America & other countries have been facing so many problems that I think I might have a hard listing all of them; racism, Xenophobia, Murder, Physical/Mental/Emotional/Sexual Violence, etc...
So many people have been ignorant and don't even care since there's nothing happening to them but did you ever think about how the victims feel when we're just going outside to take a walk? I am, in fact, a victim of mental, physical and emotional assault myself. No, I'm not trying to victimize myself by saying this but I know how hard it to go through such tough times alone, even if you have someone with you to help, it doesn't mean you'll feel any better. In my case, I'm still recovering, but as for others, just thinking about how much and what they're going through really kills me inside. That might sound a bit cliche but it really does. Why do POCs have to through all this bullshit? Why can't we all just be equal? We just exist but it seems to me as if that pisses many people off.
I just wish this stops as soon as possible because I really, really don't want to wake up and find out that even more asians are getting killed Every. Single. Day.
Again, I'm sorry to be saying all this on an illegal manga website but is it really that bad to be asking if we can be treated as human beings???

- ur missing homework
09 03,2021
non-binary lesbians
non-binary bisexuals
non-binary gays and etc..
A lesbian is not just about a woman attracted to another woman.

they exist, so quit with the queerphobia.
I'm saying this because I've seen loads of people saying non binary people can't be lesbian/gay/bi etc.
10 04,2021
I saw someone asking for comfort characters so I tried doing this, anyway mine is definitely joongdok (yjh x kdj)
16 07,2021