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ihatespit123's question (13)

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I'll never understand why the line is drawn at rape or pedophilia. Like i've seen ppl constantly thirst over serial killers but find out they're a rapist or pedophile and it's now a problem. They're both problematic so why is the same energy never kept for killers. I've also wondered why so many people would say some shit like kill all pedos without looking into the situation. Shit like that annoys me bc it's obvious they're not educated on the subject. So i just wanna know yall opinions on people that suffer from pedophilia and where the line is drawn at and shit.
21 01,2021
straight romance recs
-the fl isn't constantly getting saved by the ml or the fl isn't constantly dependent on the ml (it's hella annoying and preferably no smut)
-the ml isn't a cold hearted wannabe badass
-possibly some josei
-softer ml x nonchalant fl

lgbtq recs
- the top doesn't treat their s/o like shit
-couldn't care less about smut
-really wanna read some mangas with trans rep

i also would like some psychological and seinen recs
-i don't have any preferences for these

(i asked in this type of question because these are seen more often)
18 12,2020
ihatespit123 20 01,2021
20 01,2021
explain saha's ending to me. i read it like last month and this shit is still bugging me.
20 01,2021
Basically, I’m fine with germs unless it comes to certain. For example someone touching me that isn’t really a problem for me. But when it comes to older things like a old book(books in a public library) or baby pictures meaning they’re old pictures. My brain automatically just goes germs or some shit like that. If I were to even try and touch those things I would start gagging. Another example is when I’m on mangago and I see a manga with a older cover I’ll just feel like I could smell and I’d try to avoid that manga as much as possible. Which is also the reason why I only read manga online. Does anyone also goes through anything similar to this?
26 11,2020
This is really random but I woke to 33 mangas today and I wanted to know how many y’all get?
18 01,2021
Ok so does anyone else go through other people's reading mangas and steal that shit bc i could deadass be in an argument with someone and pause just to steal some of their mangas.
19 01,2021
I hate women. I’m a misogynist? No. I hate men, I’m a misandrist? No. I hate non-binary people, I’m transphobic? No. I hate the fucking human race I’m humanityphobic please shut the fuck up and die off already. Its so sad for me to be labeled as a human being. Y’all ain’t shit i mean I ain’t shit either but I wish I was air or some shit. Y’all always gotta complicate shit like why can’t y’all understand that this “gen z is so powerful” shit is playing right in to the governments hands u fuckin dumbasses. Y’all think that they’re scared of y’all and don’t know what to do bc there’s about to be a revolution? Get realistic. Also I got a whole theory as to how the government isn’t actually the people that are in charge and there’s someone way more greater than them. But that’s not the fucking point, the human race needs to die off.
08 12,2020
every fucking day i come on this shit yall somehow start some shit on a fucking illegal manga website but i have noticed that yall get offended very easily. Does anyone wanna do my math hw for me <<< say yes
04 02,2021
This is random ignore it if u want it isn’t manga related. But i get blown easily when there’s ppl who would say shit like mental health matters or you can talk to me or ur pretty shitty at expressing urself so work on it. But once u finally do that shit, all of sudden ur trying to be edgy or a sociopath. It’s like some of y’all really can’t withstand someone else being different if they don’t meet ur standards of what mental illness should be. Like stfu and take urself off that high ass pedestal and take a fucking seat. Imo i feel like one of the biggest red flags is calling someone a ex: sociopath as an insult. From my perspective there is no true definition of what mental health should be. From someone’s eyes having depression would be seen as normal and from another it’s seen as u need some fucking help. Why are we allowed to dictate whether someone is in the right mind state or not just Bc they differs from ours.

(If u somehow get offended...idk why anyone would tho... since most ppl on this site are sensitive fucks I advise u to just keep it movin)
10 02,2021
-haunted hathaways got put on netflix and i don't know how to act, the theme song is so catchy omg
-knb and kny is coming to netflix CANT FUCKIN WAITTT
-i watched that new volleyball anime and everyone was so fuckin gay and blushy
- I dont understand the hype behind the horimiya characters they look average
-watch hakata tonkotsu ramens, that shit is mad good
-my fingers are starting to hurt
-i watched that new gl anime and both the girls were so goddamn fine
well yea that's it for today.
11 01,2021
I haven’t heard anyone else talk about this also it’s not manga related but I feel like we don’t actually have our own sense of right or wrong. We’re simply reacting to things as we’re “taught” to do. I’ll use killing as an example. Personally I don’t think killing is neither right or wrong. But I do think the main reason a lot of people think it’s wrong is because of what they are taught. Whether they were taught it by their parents, tv shows, or just the community around them. They were still taught it, meaning this applies to many other subjects, I can’t really think of another example tho. Consider me majorly depressed or crazy for being capable of seeing things from another perspective it doesn’t mean shit to me, I just wanted to know if anyway has thought in similar ways.
03 01,2021
ihatespit123 21 01,2021
21 01,2021