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sammy's answer page 5 (94)

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about crying
i read web novels i could find, and i realized that without mangago i have absolutely nothing to do after school once my homework and house chores are done   reply
17 03,2021
i'd immediately join the angels   reply
07 08,2023
18 07,2021
here   1 reply
18 07,2021
06 12,2020
these babies   reply
06 12,2020
to be honest it is over the top like there are so many useless ships that make absolutely no sense at all. I am faithful to kiribaku, tododeku, almightaizawa I could go for bakudeku if it's cute apart from these, no, the others are fucking senseless (to me at least). bye(⌒▽⌒)   reply
18 01,2021
well i'd take on any gender that allows me to watch all the action from afar be it beta alpha or omega. i'd rather be all three and be able to change as I wish for the sake of my fujo observations and personal satisfaction of course (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ヾ(☆▽☆)ヾ(☆▽☆)(≧∀≦) (●'◡'●)ノ ٩(๑❛�......   reply
27 07,2020
about question
20 07,2021
go touch some grass   reply
20 07,2021
about question
I like to think that i was pretty chill in those years. I didn't really comment much and when i did i either made a generalised comment or a meaningful one(sometimes) I can't say i have totally weirded myself out but i agree i was a bit immature and slightly cringe.   reply
28 10,2023
My mom either gets pizza and victoria sponge cake from costco or she gets KFC, but the KFC where i live sucks real bad so i'm going for the first option this year. Present giving is not really a thing on birthdays, it's something done when we see something nice that the other person would like. so i can receive multiple presents throughout the year......   reply
15 08,2023
once again i realize the importance of this site to my physical, mental, and emotional well being. it is fuking good to be back   reply
03 04,2021
about question
I feel you, this happened to me two months ago. Just clean thoroughly and remove the keyboard keys and blow dry at low power. Try placing the keyboard facing down so any water can drip off. Don't restart the laptop at all. If it still has issues go to a professional or buy an external keyboard, its way cheaper than a full repair. This only applies ......   reply
18 04,2024
I have so many but this one is particularly persistent "chu chu chu lu, la la la la"   reply
24 12,2023
while I was on a mission handed unto me by non other than my lazy sister to find a site to read free mangas. when she told me to find a good site I only held back from killing her cos of my cuties, they're pretty aren't theyヾ(☆▽☆)(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
24 07,2020