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boobies.jpeg's answer page 3 (200)

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about question
2 buff men big tiddies in leopard bikini s and cat ears fighting each other in a sand block maze   reply
14 05,2021
:3   reply
13 08,2023
Me not closing my mangago tab fast enough oh lorddd   1 reply
14 05,2021
I didn't think it'd be that bad. The tags the tags.... I'm choosing my sanity today   reply
12 03,2024
about question
Once or twice every other week.   reply
03 10,2023
I'm not that suicidal nowadays just depressed   reply
08 07,2021
17 05,2021
drawing and venting here but I use breathing exercises most of the time in public though I suck at them cause I have asthma so I use the 5 4 3 2 1 grounding technique but simplified most of the time. :)   reply
07 02,2021
I was locked outside my apartment and I pissed myself. I was 12.   reply
18 08,2023
about writing
25 06,2021
Well the people who knew me from elementary or middle school just saw me as a smart quiet kid sorta... but anyone after really just saw me as quiet and overly awkward. But then I'd like dissapear midway through the year come back rinse and repeat till I somehow graduated. I don't think I left much of an impression. I was very quiet and nervous all ......   reply
31 07,2023
about dating
I'm incredibly insecure and emotionally unstable. I'm kinda terrified of someone taking advantage of my low self esteem and general instability. I'm a well known doormat amongst my circles. I've been confessed to before and every time I'd shit myself.   reply
27 11,2023
about question
Idk.. ive been reading bl for a long while, but i never seemed to notice how much smut has risen. I think that has to do with how much ive been overconsuming. But now that you mention it bls are incredibly more horny than ever. Though i wasn't aware of others being shocked either (im out of the loop on most of the bl community)   reply
17 08,2023
Nah love is too strong and complicated word for me to say on sight simp at first sight for SUREE   2 reply
10 05,2021
Been told I can draw good   reply
25 11,2023
sometimes there is discourse on here but thats more like people not liking certain genres. I'm on insta,tiktok, tumblr and pinterest a lot. Mainly tumblr cause I read a lot of smut. Love being on here though like in the forums shits so funny. Especially when I get replies to my comments.   1 reply
05 01,2024
about question
Fighting between the arts and sciences... zoology/environmental science or illustration/interdisciplinary arts.   reply
17 10,2023
about question
jobless in-between gap year school stuff. My dream career runs on luck and opportunity. I ended up here after 2020 I can't remember but I think some of the stuff I read on mangadex was taken down so I tried to find other sites... and I ended up here.   1 reply
05 12,2023