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ponyolittlefishie's answer (15)

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imma cheat on him with melody idgaf   1 reply
10 12,2020
i know y'all fucking lying no way in hell did that piece shit joowon is #1 and eungi is so low i will see myself out. i will no longer use my eyes i think that would be better.   1 reply
26 07,2020
when did this site become archive of our own?????   reply
29 08,2020
ok just hear me out..... i know he's dead but like listen   2 reply
13 10,2020
i look like i have short nails   1 reply
18 02,2021
i've been called a n*gger monkey before hehe (❀╹◡╹)ノ~   1 reply
24 07,2020
not people not knowing this is mitski hdgbeqhbckyr   reply
21 10,2020
I originally was totally against reading it but i mainly started because i read a lot of fluff where the two characters weren't able to have kids or had to keep their relationship hidden from their family/ weren't able to have an actual wedding. It's very unrealistic but it most of the time normalizes mlm relationships and gives a chance for couple......   reply
05 08,2020
I sometimes make plans with my friends but not really specific plans and i think of that to cheer me up, like we are planning a picnic sometime in the fall and it makes me really excited to think of all the food i can make ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   reply
05 08,2020
yes one of my friends made fun of me and announced it to everyone else in the room ╥﹏╥   reply
17 05,2020
um, so..... shotacon is immoral because while it might not have a direct impact of real-life children it plays into society's acceptance of pedophilia and delusional people like you defending it allows for it to go unseen or done without direct consequence. it shouldn't be a debate on if children shouldn't be taken from their families and sold... S......   reply
31 07,2020
I started off watching anime and shipping then I got into Love Stage!! and Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi and the rest but the first thing I read was really obscure and even I don't remember it lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
16 05,2020
I agree with the majority of the comments saying that shounen-ai is appropriate, but more sexual would be considered inappropriate. I started reading it when I was young and had a really misconstrued view on gay people, and let these fictional settings create unrealistic fantasies; fujioshis tend to fetishize the sexuality, which is not good. Just ......   1 reply
16 05,2020
i mean for me personally i only had cringey interests and i hid my interests and people would talk so much crap about the things that i liked, but now that I'm embracing it and openly liking things those same people that made fun of me also like it?? i think people knock things down before they try it and they would just need time to like it becaus......   reply
02 07,2020
T-sensei, Machida-kun no Sekai or Gakuen Babysitters if I want to cheer up because I think kids are cute and fluffy and it's about family, but if I want to let out my sadness I'll read something like Senjou Life No Bokura, cute but a little depressing, or Banana Fish, the final boss, to cry.   reply
18 06,2020