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Sedcat's answer page 1 (25)

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Sedcat 25 07,2020
Burglars robbed my principal's jewelry in her office in midnight. All I gotta say is... Like why??? Why would you keep jewelry in your office and why steal from a school???   reply
25 07,2020
about question
Lololol no, my friends did it for me. More specifically to say, they ruined the friend relationship with all my crushes, real annoying tbh but I can't do anything about cuz I'm entertainment to them so I can't rlly say anything. You know when you just want to be friends with your crush, and when you tell your friends who your crush is, they'll walk......   1 reply
01 03,2021
The fact that I'm at the end of my period rn makes me feel even moe disgusted... I hooe this is a joke PLEASE LET THIS BE A JOKE   reply
20 05,2021
I like to make cute teeny-tiny bunny sculptures and bunny keychains or bunny toys, bunnies aren't my fav animals but they are for sure a cute mascot. I'm planning on embroidering a bunny onto my handkerchief and also knitting a bunny sweater lol I even sculpted a cute bunny couple called Yuki and Peach and Yuki's cousin is called Cherry who's frien......   1 reply
06 08,2020
Sedcat 10 02,2021
All I gotta say is he could've placed that big ass tattoo anywhere, but he decided to slap it on his thigh and his smooth-ass booty.   reply
10 02,2021
*puts down my non-existant pop tart* ok   1 reply
10 04,2021
I actually want to have a relationship, I want to go as far as marrying them and having children. However, the world we live in, I doubt I would find the guy for me. And most guys aren't fond of the idea of having children, so I think I'm staying single forever. Also, even if I had a crush on a guy, I think I would like to stay as friends rather th......   1 reply
21 02,2021
Sedcat 25 04,2021
My blanket is one The lamp is two My plushies are three, specifically my dog plushie Hoppie, My seal plushie Cecily, My butterfly plushie Butterscotch, my other dog plushie Hot Dog, my alien plushie Puffy, my bear plushie Fufflepuff and my pillow boasty (Yes I named my pillow)   reply
25 04,2021
My doll collection getting dusty and the pages in my books being folded and stuff. Pretty common things   reply
13 05,2021
Umm... really embarrassing but... fan over aircon (˃̵͈᷄⌓˂̵͈᷅)   reply
12 05,2021
about dating
Glass feat. ハイダミオ / Riu Domura Toy by Takayan, actually a lot of his songs. Riu Domura and Takayan's songs are so beautiful. Their voices are do calming and their music is great!   reply
20 05,2021
Yeaaaa ok. So, smart dudes. Noice. Emmm what else, fluffy hair, ok duh. Glasses? Depends how well they look with it. Visual Kei style and people who don't really stand out. Yea, that's what I like ya know.   reply
01 03,2021
In my opinion, why the bible did not mention other planets was because, God was focused on the creation of life and planet Earth. It wouldn't make sense why the bible all of a sudden started talking about the creation of other planets when God was gonna literally populate Earth and not a random planet. For example, you're writing a book about a spe......   2 reply
30 01,2021
I am always conscious about what people say about me and I'm scared of speaking out my true feelings and opinions. I never really had a good childhood and all my friends were fake as hell, I was always mocked by and I was called "the crybaby of the class". Of course, when you grow older, you start to change. I really just kept to myself and distanc......   reply
25 07,2020
I think it took about 1-2 months. I had Kaeya in my party since the start of the game so idk. Planning to get Amber and Zhongli's cuz I'm cool   reply
24 05,2021
about lmao
Yakuza tattoo boi YES   reply
11 04,2021
I'm pretty sure my first bl manga was BJ Alex but O read a lot of doujinshis too so idk what counts. But I did watch Yarichin Bitch Club anime first before I discovered the wonderful world of bl manga   reply
09 07,2021
Sedcat 12 07,2021
lololol I expected as much. I put a lot of walls cuz I had past trauma and I intend to live this way because I don't have a therapist. I mean, what do u expect? I live very calculatively and choose who wouls stay by my side or not. People who leave me after a few months deserve to not be friends with me. That's why online friends are cool, cuz they......   1 reply
12 07,2021
about question
Sedcat 15 06,2021
You're not wrong that I'm annoying.... but.... gay people aren't thx   reply
15 06,2021
I spent 200 from my own pocket and got Diluc, then I spent another 120 to get Xiao and I did. I actually wanted c1 Xiao but I don't think it's worth the money lol   reply
19 02,2021