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about lmao
Sorry daddy issues   2 reply
27 08,2023
DAB 15 09,2023
aroace approved   reply
15 09,2023
getting comfortable everywhere huh   reply
02 09,2023
Given inspired me to learn electric guitar   reply
08 09,2023
DAB 27 08,2023
Lol here in the Philippines you cannot even get job like a cashier if you've got no college diploma. So??   1 reply
27 08,2023
When you don't go outside your brain starts to spiral   reply
14 09,2023
DAB 02 09,2023
Sukuna x Cinderella lezzz goo   1 reply
02 09,2023
about lmao
But then when it's clearly the male and female are just friends in a show or book (manga, manhwas, manhuas) these dudebros get mad and defensive for invalidating their ships. How about keep the same energy when someone ships same-sex even though it's not cannon. Like, I tolerate any ships as long as it's not illegal or immoral. They think they can ......   reply
26 08,2023
about lmao
I used to read doujinshis just for curiosity, but I started really hating it when they sexualize the other character too much. Levi, would be an example. Funny to say, but they would make him like a slut, who crave going after guys. Also, the amount of KuroTsuki (Kuroo x Tsuki) doujinshis from Haikyu where it's just too sexual. Like one of the most......   2 reply
27 08,2023
about question
Yeah, I hate overly buff guys in romance whether it's straight or not. Screams too much masculinity. The absurd proportions is killing me. And, the way they always talk about his charm. Like, ok you have a big dick, whatever. Probablybecause I'm quite gay too that I'm insecure lol (not on the gender thing). I wish they would praise women too :((   1 reply
27 08,2023
Not yet, because I just pull all-nighters on anime. However, I did neglect studying the entire day to catch-up to Lost in the Clouds   reply
25 08,2023
about question
DAB 03 09,2023
Frrr. And sometimes the story wouldn't resonate on you because these guy has no fucking idea, how to write their romance since they're not female themselves.   reply
03 09,2023
about lmao
big daddy and uwu boy (who's built like a child) in a romance   reply
28 08,2023
about question
DAB 15 09,2023
here   reply
15 09,2023
I'm on the aro-ace spectrum and I noticed I would feel really uncomfortable whenever I see heterosexual relationship being portrayed. As a woman, I can put myself on their shoes and I hate it, so I would rather read romance where my gender is not in it at all. After all, that is quite the reason why I would usually watch shows that have little to n......   reply
27 08,2023
about question
So true for Woowon and Seoan. Also, Jake and Shingun I like me some both morally grey.   reply
27 08,2023
DAB 25 08,2023
i don't hate them, neither like them too. read m-preg stories for curiosity. but still, my opinion will not change that i do not like them, just because in general i hate pregnancy.   reply
25 08,2023
Trying to justify fetishization eh?   1 reply
27 08,2023
about lmao
Any bleach man, no matter how red flag they are, I'll kiss, marry (kill would be diffcult, but okay) all day.   reply
25 08,2023
Yup, that's what you get if you don't have enough research. Damn, at least give some justice to rl   reply
27 08,2023