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Hellish's answer page 2 (435)

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I'll be that one side character that nobody knows the name of   reply
14 11,2020
Hellish 25 11,2020
Mu Qing is so god damn pretty, we already know he made in Heaven (literally)   2 reply
25 11,2020
Drop dead the second I step inside, duh.   reply
09 11,2020
Give it a REST   reply
20 11,2020
This why I don't come on this shit anymore. You hoes always fuckin shit up lmao   reply
22 12,2020
Hellish 20 10,2020
What...the fuck am I reading? NO HATE OKAY? But this is kinda wrong honestly. "Good pussy can convert gays" was a post I fucking saw. LIKE BITCH NO. STRAIGHT UP NO. Good pussy is a stanky pussy. The title is horrible, no hate, but yes hate. I give this 1/10, what? Mad? You asked for my opinion. This is horrible, fetishizing gays.   1 reply
20 10,2020
about dating
Hellish 16 11,2020
Yes, but these hands aren't, catch   reply
16 11,2020
I may be a HS Student but my vocab extent is ass, and your question is complicated and makes my eyes give up. conclusion, yes, Bruno Mars is gay.   1 reply
27 08,2020
No thank you, let´s all appreciate teen moms, it´s very hard to do at such an age. Insulting someone´s image? Disgusting, even though they did things to you, it doesn´t mean you should go back and do something. Just be the bigger person about it.   1 reply
24 11,2020
I read both, but if I had to choose then BL. Reading GL makes me really sad because all I think about is “That could be me but Society.” I kinda project myself as the MC when it comes to GL and I don’t like that :/   reply
17 05,2021
Oh shettt, baby wait for mee   1 reply
25 11,2020
Hellish 12 09,2020
College Algebra is quaking sis-   reply
12 09,2020
No lies, you mfs would do shit like these   reply
17 04,2021
Ight, everyone let's go play some y8 games   2 reply
20 10,2020
"Keep smiling, it's okay" like ok, thanks, will do just that   reply
12 11,2020
Kill the baby, ascend as a god, have the baby and mother become a ghost and hate you for life as they try to avoid you after death.   1 reply
23 11,2020
Everyone, I forgot to include where you joined but you can join on here by just saying your user and what role you want, we'll either think about it or you can keep your role! EDIT: WE HAVE OUR FIRST TASK TODAY GAMERS, BUCKLE UP. TASK:   6 reply
26 10,2020
THANK YOU! Jesus, how FUCKING annoying.   1 reply
08 09,2020
LMAO, SHOWERS WITH SOMEONE IS THE BEST IF YOU MAKE IT FUNNY. Basically, once, me and my cousin (we’re girls OKAY) and she was shy as hell. My ass was covering myself with the shower curtain while she was washing herself. I was half in and half out of the shower, BUT LIKE SAVE THAT WATER, WHY WASTE WATER WHEN YOU CAN SHOWER WITH YOUR COUSIN AND MA......   1 reply
25 04,2021