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BeeHive's answer page 2 (120)

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choco mint i love me some edible toothpaste No but fr mint choco supremacy i gobble that shit up in all its form ice cream, drink, donuts, cake, gelato, and even fried chicken   3 reply
14 03,2024
Idk if he is the most tragic but Gaara from naruto I bawled my eyes watching his backstory for the first time   reply
28 days
The fact that i can count the number of times i go out with my friend with my fingers   2 reply
03 09,2020
Flawed MC, I love to see them grow and have character development also makes the story interesting when the MC isnt always the saint with golden heart I LOVE when author write MC that knows how to apologize and accept consequences of their action.   1 reply
01 04,2024
about question
During middle school I got a huge crush with one of my classmates and I told my (ex) best friend about it. Some weeks later we were playing truth or dare with other classmates and during her truth she got ask "who is your current crush" and kid you not, that illiterate b answered "i can't tell you, but i will tell you *my name* has a crush on *cr......   4 reply
28 03,2024
about question
I think its because they want to feel special and superior. Like this attractive species is so scary and will kill and reject everyone except me because above everyone else I'm the only one he love kinda stuff. At least that is what I think. The same energy as "LOOK AT ME LUKE, THIS IS NOT YOU" and only your hug can calm the anger within kinda type......   reply
30 03,2024
about question
Because they are properly dressed up in said uniform unlike most men that can't dress themselves up.   reply
29 03,2024
about question
My experience was the opposite. I join several community in my university year and one of them is the crocheting club. I thought people there gonna be group of the most chill person on campus but oh lord was i wrong. Like there's no day where they don't talk shit about others member and even non member while crocheting.   1 reply
17 04,2024
Me and my team are not gonna make it to the arena. Thanks for the invite tho   2 reply
26 03,2024
about question
Quit that black company hun. There is literally no advantages of you staying there. Here is 2 options for you 1. Immediately quit (if you really cant handle it anymore and if the contract allows) 2. Find another job and quit the moment you land that other job Also try to talk to them about the tiktok live. Say that it is not within the contract.   1 reply
31 03,2024
I hate banana and avocado   1 reply
27 04,2024
I dont like smut so most smut fall to least favorite for me. But one smut trope that I like is when they cried of happiness in the middle of doing it because they just love their partner so much. I'm just into that sappy love   1 reply
11 04,2024
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26 03,2024
Dollar ? Damn i'm rich rich. 1. Convert that to my country currency 2. Retired 3. Invest Imma live the passive income lifestyle that all those alpha male podcasts been saying   reply
26 03,2024
English would be called comic no?? I mean all the superhero animation is made based on their comic book because it got popular enough   1 reply
17 01,2024
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21 03,2024
  1 reply
21 03,2024
about question
Online shopping (its an addiction)   reply
18 03,2024
This teacher hate me so much for god know what reason that she terrorized my 3 years of my high school life. My worst memory of her is when I was using a lip balm during her class because my lips is dehydrated as hell its was even bleeding the day before and I'm not taking the risk of it happening again, she saw me and said for the whole class to h......   1 reply
24 days