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WoahMama's answer page 2 (127)

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I did something similar in jr high for a modern witch trial lol brings back memories. I'm going to assume this is for the US. I'm going to do a bit of research and put what I understand on this time. I enjoy doing things like this lol. In 1931 it was harder to get abortions as they were illegal and deadly. You could incorporate that into it. That ......   1 reply
28 03,2024
In elementary school had a sub who was accused of reading a porn mag and showing said porn mag to a couple of kids. I wasn't in that class so IDk much. In middle school, we had a teacher who married a student a year after she graduated. He had to transfer from that school to ours. Everyone knew that they had to be banging before then though becau......   reply
19 01,2024
I pretty much just did a genderbend of me cause I am an older sister.   reply
11 06,2021
about question
My last 5 years have been pretty shitty. 2019- Was alright kind of dating a guy I liked. Was hit in the face by a customer at work. Mom and Grandmother got cancer. Both came out well. 2020-Stopped seeing situationship as he could not let his parents know he was dating me because I wasn't Asian. 2021- 4 family members and 2 family friends died......   1 reply
03 02,2024
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I have no idea what your talking about is it on an app or was it on here? Like does this site have things like that?   1 reply
7 days
Haven't really done alot of finished art more of pose sketches, but I don't wanna post those here as my anatomy is atrocious lol Here is some of my more recent somewhat finished art. lol   reply
15 11,2023
Chicken and rice with mushroom soup.   reply
25 10,2023
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I like crying for a reason sometimes. Like it relieves stress for me. I wish I knew more good tragedy stories on here so I'm not rereading the same ones.   reply
23 days
WoahMama 28 06,2021
Some of my art   reply
28 06,2021
Are you with your friend because of how she looks? If so you're shallow and stupid and childish. To threaten your friend over a nose job that honestly has nothing to do with you is ridiculous. If she wants it she can get it. I'm assuming you're making your friend feel like shit is that what you want? Do you do this in other ways with your friendshi......   reply
02 05,2024
WoahMama 15 02,2024
TL;DR I was 10 Baby Cousin Murdered I threw a tantrum on Christmas and told my brother I wish it was him. Cried and apologized, but still felt guilty. There was no justice in this case. I was really upset with my family on Christmas when I was 10. I thought it was wrong that we were still celebrating even though my baby cousin was murdered a few ......   reply
15 02,2024
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I don't I wouldn't even mind watching it with my significant other. The problem comes when they are addicted to it. Some people don't realize that it will affect your sex life in a bad way. Not only is the fantasy not the same and it becomes a disappointment, but your body doesn't function the same.   reply
08 11,2023
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Mr Hands....... It was a shock video that went around when I was in school. Like wtf   reply
22 04,2024
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None I assume Most people here are literal children/teenagers. No way am I interested.   1 reply
27 11,2023
  1 reply
13 12,2023
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Lots of things. My dating history, me being bisexual, what happened to me as a kid, and things that would keep them from having a piece of mind for me.   reply
21 days
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35 but I'm in my late 20s.   1 reply
18 03,2024
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TBH counting calories and losing weight. I'm on a goal to be healthier, Lost 60 lbs so far, but I need to lose more. Ugh   reply
01 12,2023
about question
WoahMama 08 11,2023
Just a question where do some of you guys post your art? I do it On Deviantart, but ever since Eclipse, I've come to dislike it. I don't even really post anything anymore on it because of it. I want to start posting again, but want to start on a new site.   2 reply
08 11,2023