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wot?!!'s answer page 3 (260)

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09 10,2020
He doesn't deserve your love!!!! For him to partake in a prank like that is so cruel, he's totally NOT WORTH IT. I wonder, have you confronted him about what he did? You don't have to. But in my opinion, I'd say definitely do what you can (in your own pace) to slowly move on from him... you deserve much better... Pranks like those are so damn crue......   1 reply
09 10,2020
05 11,2020
What are you talking about cum doesnt smell or taste nice   2 reply
05 11,2020
idon'tbelieveyou that's my password   reply
29 11,2020
06 11,2020
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell!   reply
06 11,2020
This is a really good post. This shows just how serious depression is. It is a serious health condition that needs a lot more attention from society.   reply
01 10,2020
I'd be some background character. Who knows, if lucky I'd maybe find someone. (Not sure they'd be a guy tho...) And in order to spite the yaoi top/bottom discourse, I'll go FULL SWITCH and be like "wHAT YOU ONLY THOUGHT YOU COULD TOP OR BOTTOM??? HOW CUTE" and destroy em (but in a kind way) lmao nah im joking i probably wouldn't do shit, and eat p......   1 reply
03 10,2020
I was recommended the 2 girls 1 cup movie soundtrack And often minecraft gaming lives and football matches But i watch anime videos   2 reply
15 08,2020
that one shady af witch who try too hard to be cool but is secretly crying in the club at 1AM every night   reply
18 02,2021
NARUTO AND SASUKE The author even describes them as the sun and moon! I know they will never be canon, but they kissed like three times; Naruto chased after him endlessly; and they have a lot of tension between one another. Whether you like narusasu or not, I think there is no denying the bond between those two.   1 reply
06 11,2020
about question
If u ever feel stupid, just remember that i can't even read half the countries on a map even after attending school for many years. IN OTHER WORDS, WE NEVER STOP LEARNING. SO DON'T WORRY IT JUST MEAN YOU ARE GROWING OKAY. A PERSON WHO CALL U STUPID IS A PERSON WHO FORGOT THAT THEY TOO HAD A TIME IN WHICH THEY DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DO THINGS AS WELL OK......   1 reply
12 06,2021
LOVE HINA that was the first manga i ever read in my whole life (age 7) and it was FULL OF BOOBS and nudity. i had no idea about boobs at age 7   reply
05 12,2020
about lmao
fun fact! my essays will be the death of me istg all i want to do is relax but i have endless articles to read   1 reply
11 04,2021
I'd make an oc whose quirk is 'dumbbell'. The more she trains at the gym, the stronger she becomes. Because of this, her quirk consists of her being able to pull dumbbells from her flesh and change their size and shape. People keep their dumbbells and training gear away from her, as the gear responds to her presence and are under her full control.......   1 reply
01 10,2020
I think it's fine, sometimes kids tv can be pretty interesting. For me, I've been watching Beyblade for over 10 years and still watch the latest seasons now. I do like kids' anime shows that have lots of fighting so Beyblade has always been up my alleyway. I also read kids' shoujo manga because they make me laugh so hard (the plots are hilarious an......   reply
04 10,2020
my god do i love hot anime men with long blue hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If you know who I mean by this, bless you.) and STRONG WOMEN love them!!! I think I have a huge thing for powerful personalities, long hair, cool hair, glasses and SUITS!!!! (YESS i'm answer number 69 ^^)   reply
04 10,2020
16 09,2020
I think this post is a very good one!!! I am glad to see that many pre-colonized African countries were lgbtq+ friendly before European colonization. It makes me feel really sad that colonization has hidden and removed so many important aspects of history like this. Maybe this info can't change the present but it does highlight how toxic homophobia......   reply
16 09,2020
Translators are the best. Without them, a lot of content would be harder to find.   reply
28 09,2020
28 09,2020
One thing I've learnt that helps with these voices is the fact that they are not really your thoughts, so please do not feel guilty for having them. - they can be blocked out with music - they tend to address some of your deeper fears and things you may be avoiding (this happens to me). If this is the case, if you feel up for it tell the thoughts t......   reply
28 09,2020
I found a few in the last arc of Fairy Tail... LAST arc spoiler notes below: > > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > >> > > -Supposedly 'dead' characters began reincarnating on a mass scale! -Mavis vs August... it was unbelievable. He was such a big threat and then she just easily did that?!! ( there was logic as to how she did it but i found it to......   2 reply
04 10,2020
14 09,2020
id be like 'lol no thanks' despite being easily flattered by this deep down, and then say 'how about we become friends instead'   reply
14 09,2020