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Espieglece's question (20)

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What do you find extremely unrealistic about adults in manhwas and mangas, and why? Also, please do describe those very well-written adult characters who you relate to the most (to users who are mostly that of the ages 20 above).

(Just seeking some inspiration for a book, haha. Thank you in advance!)
15 12,2023
Just asking,my eyes bled throughout reading the prince of proctology.What's yours,and what was your reaction when the storyline started getting twisted?
15 08,2020
about question
Thank you to everyone in this site(excluding the trollers,maybe?)for supporting this site and letting me access it for so long,but i don't think will be using this site any longer,thank you very much for the memories though!Have a nice day or night,thank you again.
12 05,2021
Just asking this,because I need to know what you guys really like the most.Mine would be Hold me tight,because it's just so damn good okay-
05 08,2020
11 08,2020
Been noticing that some mangago users are getting more and more stupid every minute.Some people just keep pretending to be geniuses and I just can't explain what the hell's been happening?My brain is gonna rot because of all this shitty questions people been putting in the website.Like there's that genius who's tellin young ass mangago users to do their homework instead of reading and there's that other dude over there who be talkin bout replacing cow milk with breast milk?Okay god damn it what the actual fuck are these questions?Next thing we know we got people asking what type of underwear we be wearin.I hope you guys actually notice as well and tell me what you think.
11 08,2020
Just who was that motherfucking genius who said that Sooho from Angel buddy was a slutty bitch and a horny slut?Like who the frick are you to say that Sooho is like that?I just want wanna cringe so hard right now,because this guy just randomly started a topic without a homepage and profile and I'm pretty sure he/she hasn't even read it yet.Mangago,what the hell are these kind of people even doing in this site?I am just completely disappointed in some of mangago users that I literally had to make a question about this.Explain this shit to me-
09 08,2020
I need some people to share this with me because no. 1, I've never actually experienced it, and no. 2 being the fact that I need to read/see for myself the genuine feeling of being in this exact same scenario. Currently trying to write a book and this is one of the major turning points, so I'd like to hear some of your experiences in detail.

I'd also like to note that if they forgot about you (especially if you once dated them), please do share your reaction to that as well. Thank you in advance!
19 09,2023
about your pets
So um,I just need some advice on which ending i should give my novel.I just started on it,and i think i need to add a twist to it,but a good ending also works,so–

If you guys want a good ending,please type A with your response,and if you want a tragic ending,please type B with it,thank you!C for a neutral(there's a continuation after the neutral ending)
06 07,2021
Just asking if people had the same experience coz i fucking just screwed was in my god damn birthday month...tried on some Dramatical sex scenes wallpaper and forgot to try it on only on my home screen.Mom checked my percentage and the wallpaper was Aoba getting fucked by Noiz.You know the drill,mom's eyes were burnt to dust by it.Got grounded and mom screamed at me the whole day.My whole gallery of memes was deleted and I fucking regretted it so much omg-┗( T﹏T )┛
26 08,2020
I would be in the yaoi fandom(of course),the yaoi creepypasta fandom(lol),the Dramatical murder fandom,and the rest of my yaoi anime fandoms :)
03 09,2020
I once had just enough courage and stupidity to read smutty yaoi manga in my mom's tablet.Lol idk why tf i did that,but i never got caught because i cleared the history like every second :)
05 01,2021
Just drop any good memes if you're like my broke ass :D
09 09,2020 came here for the test right?Well here you go.


What letter 1st comes to your mind?Don't be naughty now.Also make sure to add some memes to make it worthwhile :)
06 09,2020
You're free to include killing stalking if you'd like :)
24 08,2020
For me, it was definitely confessing to my grade school rival (and bully) after I developed an interest in him due to the “drastic hormonal changes” I underwent during my highschool years. God, that relationship was really doomed to fall apart in less than a month. He was a walking red flag, and above all, the largest piece of shit I’d ever gotten the displeasure of meeting and dating. Egotistical, homophobic, racist, you name it. The shit stain also had a horrible sense of humor, and if that wasn’t enough he also looked like a hammerhead shark that had endless rows of uneven teeth...Lord forgive me for I have sinned.
27 07,2023
I just know for myself that there's always gonna be that certain someone to hate anime and mangas,but yuri on ice?Oh my god,no.Just fucking no.Seriously?What the fuck do you see in yuri on ice that's worth hating?Not calling out,but you know who you point in explaining if you haven't watched it yet and already hate it.
01 09,2020
about question
So I don't really have an idea what to do for him,because we did break up a couple of times now,we aren't really in a relationship anymore but....

I mean,we still are technically,but we were too young,and I need some help regarding our anniversary.

I personally think he forgot,and i need some ideas on what I should do to remind him.

(Please don't hate on the really young part,no we aren't really in a relationship just yet because we are way too young and we decided to keep this relationship as low as possible and keep it going until we're old enough,thank you <3)
29 01,2021
I seriously ain't having a good time today.September 2,2020 and my dog died.His name was Mo-chan and I went straight to mangago to take my mind off it.And what the fuck do I see?Hundreds of trolling questions all over the website.Shit-I just wanna stop this weird shit all over mangago because there 's that guy over there who shoved 3 dildos up her ass and another bitch who fetishizes men in real life.Like what am I even here for?I'm honestly more concerned for the brain of these people more than myself because great job,I feel like shit now.Thanks for making my day worse.Motherfucking trollers.Also please pay respects for my deceased dog.┗( T﹏T )┛
02 09,2020
So I've heard about deres a lot,and just for fun can I ask you guys what type of dere you are?I'd be a Kuudere,for everyone's information.Tell me why you're a(type of dere)down below.
06 08,2020