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Kaban!'s answer page 2 (67)

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about question
I'm going to be honest idk if mgg users know how to read. Maybe they can understand the letters but their media literacy levels are so low its like they're reading the words out without actually connecting them together. I admit I get like that sometimes too no need to be shy but it's really frustrating ehe   reply
03 12,2023
about question
Kaban! 22 01,2024
I fucking hate all fucking types of incest. Gay, straight, queer, fucking animal incest. I fucking hate incest. I draw the line at EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. NO step sibling pairings NO adoptive siblings pairings NO biological sibling pairings no BLOOD related pairings no COUSIN pairings no nothing. I will literally do a fucking family tree of the......   reply
22 01,2024
about question
That/thats, Honestly any song by mitski is my favourite song, I like to sleep.. if that’s a hobby.   reply
26 05,2021
about question
Lake city quiet pills. It's not a storytime, but the investigation happened on reddit.   reply
03 12,2023
Yeah and now we've been fully dating for 4 years lol. We are long distance but we're not online anymore! (We've made it out of the trenches)   reply
16 02,2024
about question
Identity V   reply
26 01,2024
about question
The grip suì-fēng had on me when I was like 6 was insane. I grew up watching bleach with my family every night after Dinner so I grew pretty attached to most of the female cast. (I am a lesbian)   reply
04 02,2024
about lgbt
Lesbian   reply
18 07,2021
I've actually been meaning to talk to somebody about omegaverse for a while, like I've already done it before with a friend but I wanna idk have a conversation with somebody so I can learn how to explain my points properly about it. I do still find omegaverse fascinating and I'm not claiming to be the first person ever to connect the dots and figu......   3 reply
30 12,2023
about question
Kaban! 07 06,2021
It doesn’t really look like me but it’s the closest I can get   reply
07 06,2021
Crucify em’ actual pedophiles lol   reply
29 05,2021
So me and my girlfriend can live together in a cottage and make couple cosplays   reply
29 05,2021
about question
Just saw idv get mentioned I've been playing straight for 4 years now   1 reply
19 04,2024
Kaban! 17 06,2021
What the hell did I just read   1 reply
17 06,2021
Play Identity V if you want to kill yourself. Before ANYONE says it's a dead by daylight rip-off.. WE KNOWWWWWWW... it's public knowledge that the devs behind DBD helped with the making of IDV too. If you make an account on the NA/EU server... add me maybe...   2 reply
04 01,2024
about crying
Some people on here (not many though, thankfully) really defend relationships that got red flag levels through the roof. No they’re not ur “Cute couple” or whatever one of them is middle aged and the other is in highschool.   reply
26 05,2021
Kaban! 04 12,2023
(None of the art Is mine) Draco Malfoy   reply
04 12,2023
Kaban! 03 12,2023
I am going to be honest I fucking relapsed back into Mangago like a few months back after finally abandoning this site so thank fuck because this shit rots my brain   1 reply
03 12,2023
about question
Irl Aesop Carl That/thats Something about me uhhh I’m an asshole! Rude! Whatever! I suck.   reply
26 05,2021