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卵's answer page 2 (50)

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about question
Write based on experience, fantasy can only take you so far, so if you don't have enough experience your story will break the suspension of disbelief of viewers pretty fast. If you're not gay yourself, talk to your gay friends, ask about their relationship stories. Don't be afraid to look things up online, do extensive research, consume as many of ......   1 reply
19 02,2024
It's purely for information control. Every other large social media is based in USA, so they can be pressured to quiet down certain opinions(e.g. meta deleting pro-palestine content and lowering engagement on any post that mentions anything related). That's why TikTok got the "get a buy out from an american company or get banned". They don't give t......   reply
13 05,2024
I don't have OCs so have me and gf ️   reply
3 days
about question
I honestly think it's the issue of westerners still using the archaic "yaoi", I see so many works that are tagged yaoi here even though they aren't?? or works tagged "shounen-ai" even though they aren't it's so strange honestly and makes it harder to find what you want I'd recommend looking at tags on the original works, that usually helps weed ou......   2 reply
18 01,2024
about question
I'd say compared to other languages I know it'd be a 4-5/10, the alphabet is the easiest amongst the languages I know, and the sentence structure is very simple. The difficulty comes from the differences between whatever your language is and Korean, and how many habits you'll need to break since the language itself is pretty simple. Whatever you ch......   2 reply
02 05,2024
about question
Cultural difference, though opinions in japan have been steadily changing, soap lands and the like are still seen as a "service" rather than an intimate sexual act. Btw a lot of japanese women also see it like that, it's not just men. Imo you can do whatever you want as long as you get consent from your partner.   reply
17 01,2024
17 04,2024
I mean yeah you're just a dude, you can claim the fudanshi label if you wanna. The people saying that you "don't count" are just transphobic, because otherwise why would a dude reading BL not count as fudanshi??   reply
17 04,2024
02 05,2024
I feel like this test doesn't really work since a lot of questions are extremely vague, so if you disagree with the statement but there's a case in which you'd heavily agree what are you supposed to choose? Also a lot of these can be trauma based and not necessarily what they mean by the question also neurodivergent debuff lmao   reply
02 05,2024
go goon in your cave instead of harrasing irl people   reply
05 02,2024
about question
As someone that does bdsm sometimes being FORCED into a play/role is nightmare level, especially since consent is such an important part of bdsm. Whenever I see dom/sub universe stories they come off as horror to me   reply
12 04,2024
Every few questions on here make me realise that most people here really dont have media literacy   1 reply
10 05,2024
06 05,2024
ate 4 raw potatoes... it didn't work but it made me feel like shit   reply
06 05,2024
Debating is pretty pointless, it's purely about how much you can own the other person and the actual facts don't matter much(academic debates are different obv). If you want to be a good debater you just need to be a good orator   reply
27 04,2024
Why the fuck are you calling it "child corn" tf use csam like a normal person, and if you HAVE to use cp then call it child porn. Terms talking about such important issues shouldn't be made a mockery of   3 reply
03 04,2024
about question
If you're such close friends with someone there's no way they're hiding their bigotry for such a long time, you'd notice signs at some point even if they're trying to hide it. That would mean their bigotry came as a consequence of consuming some unhinged shit, in which case you can still help them understand. I'm a big believer in rehabilitation so......   1 reply
23 04,2024
13 03,2024
You know there's way worse mangas than this right? Like this is very boku no pico coded, mid tier shit that got popular for its shock value but still continues to be mid in comparison to other shit. Check tags before reading next time   reply
13 03,2024
I don't think she's really homophobic per se but it does seem like she just fetishizes gay men If you recommended her a good story with tropes and characters she usually enjoys but she doesn't want to read it because she's uncomfortable with girls having a relationship... yeah it's just fetishizing and she probably doesn't enjoy BL just for the sto......   2 reply
27 10,2023
about question
13 03,2024
I never understand what people mean by "modern dating culture", I feel like it hasn't really changed much in the last 10yrs. That might just be my biased perspective tho since I dont use dating apps and just go out to find new people   1 reply
13 03,2024
about question
Omegaverse has that "no biological realism" issue to the point where I can't read most of it. If the reproductive system is set up in at least a semi believable way I'm fine with them having kids as long as it's not just for the sake of adding a cute kid into the story   reply
17 days
When I was like 15 and still forced to go to church I'd read danmeis in the corner bc I'd get understimulated and need to stim. Imo not much different than reading it at school or any other public place, just don't be loud and in direct sight of other people(showing people porn without consent is weirdo behaviour even if written)   reply
17 04,2024