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Okay this sounds odd but just go with it!!!….. - Back when I was at university I was suicidal for a long time, it was all I thought about everyday (for many longstanding reasons which thankfully I've worked through now after 10 years or so) - oddly, and here is where you have to take my word on this…'South Park' the show, yes that show lol, go......   1 reply
07 12,2016
It is going to be a very simple answer but time heals everything. It hasn't been that long considering you got out of a 6-year relationship. By next May, you will see how less you miss that person and how little you remember them. In my native language, we have a saying that, 'the person who is far away from the eye becomes far away from the heart'......   2 reply
07 12,2016
Yeah, I think so. I want to get married when I am like 28 or around that age. I first want to focus on my career and build it up so I can have my own financial guarantee. I definitely want to spend rest of my life with someone I love and enjoy being with every second. I also want a child (or two - one boy one girl - not sure), house to grow old wit......   2 reply
06 12,2016
Read yaoi all day. It soothes the soul.   1 reply
06 12,2016
Emm am not sure? If I find someone with whom I'd like to grow old then sure. I won't get married because it's weird to be single. I quite like being alone. I'll only get married when I find someone who makes me want to get married.   reply
06 12,2016
Anyone who lives alone and manifests no longing to be in a marriage is – in our times – almost automatically (though more or less secretly) viewed as both pitiable and deeply troubled. It’s simply not thought possible to be at once alone and normal. This sets us up for collective catastrophe, as it means that a huge number of people who have ......   3 reply
06 12,2016
This must be very hard on you.I am really sorry to hear that.It ended last May.My previous relationship ended in last May too.But we have not been dating for that long like you guys.And i still can't move on too.I can understand that you still can't move on yet.You must have been hurt a lot.I don't wanna say things like forget abt her or stay stron......   3 reply
06 12,2016
No. No way. Never. Since I enjoy the freedom of being single, I don't want kids and I have do desire to share my life with anyone else. And yes, peope call me weird, people say I'll change my mind when I find "that somebody" or I'm just having a late rebel stage, or things like pointing out how my old classmates are getting married and I haven't ev......   5 reply
06 12,2016
Koalala 06 12,2016
I was in a same sex relationship for over 6 years. I was 17 then and now I'm 24 .. It ended last May but until now I just can't moved on. I feel like my time has stopped. I gave up everything for her sake. Even my friends but now that she is older she just threw me away.
06 12,2016
I'm 24 years old and personally I don't like to get married now, or later. I would like to do things my way. But because of my household problem I might actually do it to be able to escape from my family. But that would be the 'worst case scenario' .. Honestly, now.. Marriage is not as nice sounding as we think it is so if you're planning to get m......   1 reply
06 12,2016
I will. But I don't know when and with who I will married. I was young btw, not more than 20y.o. But I want to married when...around 22-26y.o. Taking care of the baby when you must taking care of the house too, better when you still have a lot of power, right?   reply
06 12,2016
Ah, I get the pressure and stigma. It sucks. Do we really have to follow this "manual" of life? I don't think so. To each his own. People my age are already married and even have kids but I'm not really excited with the thought. I couldn't even see myself being married to my longtime (ex) boyfriend despite being in a hard-to-come-by faithful relat......   reply
06 12,2016
This might sound crazy but I don't know cause right now I am inlove with someone. But our love is not acceptable cause we have the same gender. So I don't know...well I do want to get married to that person but it's impossible... ( ̄へ ̄)   5 reply
06 12,2016
I actually do not like marriage, when i hear people saying their getting married coz its the next thing on the list or the normal thing to do, it makes my skin crawl, i really can not stand it ughh. So married will definitely NOT be happening.   1 reply
06 12,2016
06 12,2016
The first time I encountered yaoi was Antique Bakery when I was 16, I'm 20 now. During those in between years I became addicted to yaoi fan fiction on archives of our own and I hardly ever read hetero couples. I was on a tumblr yaoi porn blog and noticed the manga, then a whole new world opened for me and I haven't looked back. I'm ......   3 reply
06 12,2016
I've never been in a relationship before (like, really, not even once), i came from a broken home family and now with my step-father, i still see and hear them fighting over simple things. So i...honestly, i'm scared to get married or even having a relationship with someone. I still have many things that i want to do by myself like going to college......   4 reply
06 12,2016
I've been married for 2 years now (since I was 22) with the person I've known for 8 years. We're both pansexual with the inclination of bisexuality and I'm so glad that we could find each other; we're like jigsaws with weird curvy edges that fit perfectly. Our married life isn't ordinary 'cause we're bisexual but we're happy to fulfill each other. ......   1 reply
06 12,2016
I don't think there's anything wrong with marrying later. I know the stigma, but since a few years back I knew I would (like to) marry after I'm 29, if I ever do marry. Although I like the thought of getting married. Don't let people get to you, you know best if you want to and when it's the right time. :)   reply
06 12,2016
Well, I think the idea of getting married is great when u have a BF/GF. Because well, it's not for the sake of what people think. But it's for the sake of you and your partner. Don't you want to make your partner happy? It's nice to picture the future together even though you don't know what lies beyond (⌒▽⌒)   reply
06 12,2016
Funny story here: my boyfriend asked me this year. So a couple of days later we started the preparations. Chose a date, chose the inventations. But then we discused Who we wanted to invite and we could not agree, so no marriage for us lol.   1 reply
06 12,2016

People are doing

want to do going to concerts


20 hours
did thank yaoi for existing

i literally read every day its bad

21 hours
did thank yaoi for existing

Thank you to who ever started!!!

1 days

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing