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I was 13 years old. My mom was like are you reading porn. lol I bucked up on it on website while I was looking for good pictures for a screensaver.   reply
13 06,2016
Ah aah......this subject.....I have been keeping secret from my parents for 9 years now. My sister is the only one who knows (because she's the one who told me about it, screw my curiosity!) I have been reading it since I was 11 which is pretty crazy lmao. I am so freakin addicted to yaoi holy crap. If I could I would buy all the things. ALL THE TH......   2 reply
13 06,2016
Taphel 13 06,2016
I know some people don't really care what sort of yaoi they read but there is always something you least like to read. I'd like to think I'm pretty easy-going and anything's good. However, I can not stand shotacons and student x teacher. Never. I despise it. I know some people love it, but I never will. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
What sort of yaoi do you dislike? Or read the least?
13 06,2016
I'll tell them when I'm about 30. Well, casually mention it in passing to them, pretending I've only just discovered it. Though my 14 year old younger brother asked me what hentai was today. I explained it and mentioned it meant 'pervert' in Japanese to which him and my 12 year old brother both went 'so you?'. So maybe they're aware of something.........   2 reply
13 06,2016
No, they would never expect that and I'll never let them know. I had a horrible older bro, so they always view me as (hope that I would be) the perfect child. In addition, my mom is kinda homophobic,... back in middle school, there was a girl who came out to me and asked me out, and my mom freaked out and asked teacher to switch my class. :( i stil......   1 reply
13 06,2016
My parents don't know. My older sister knows i have a thing for like guys together but she has no idea i read something like yaoi. I told my friend and she was surprised, mostly cause i don't like it when people talk about like inappropriate stuff. My parents wouldn't care about the guys on guys but just cause it can be explicit. But who cares yaoi......   2 reply
13 06,2016
13 06,2016
They know and they don't care. :P Once my mon came into my room while I saw an AMV with alot of smutty yaoi. She talked to me normally, and when I walked out my stepdad was laughing and asked me if I was watching hentai. Haha XD My sister knows too. I also share alot of yaoi on my facebook, and all my family and friends can see it XD I am happy tha......   reply
13 06,2016
13 06,2016
My parents don't know, but my sister knows and she threatens me saying she'll tell them hahaha.   1 reply
13 06,2016
I think it was either from Home Tutor or Viewfinder. And I got so turned on, thinking it was better than porn. ^_^   reply
13 06,2016
I kissed a girl friend of mine. I didn't like her or felt anything despite the fact that I'm bi. It was just out of boredom and curiosity. It was just a peck on the lips and almost the entire class was watching us, especially the dudes. I was 14 back then and this happened in the classroom when our teacher was absent. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
13 06,2016
Shady 13 06,2016
Nope, none of them knows but my friends are well aware. They think I'm a pervert, hahaha.   reply
13 06,2016
no one in my family knows. they are a little bit religion and all but i cant help it by mistake i watch few yaoi but now i m hoked. so after reading i delete my history but i do save my yaoi bookmarks ..well one good thing i hve complicated the folders where i keep them so wouldnot know... well in actual i want them to know and dont have problem wi......   reply
13 06,2016
My parent and all my family dont know about it. Moreover my sister keep telling on me to not read yaoi.but my friend know :3 .If they find out about it, im gonna die >   reply
13 06,2016
TBH, I'm a bit disapointed in my first kiss, I remember thinking "oh, so this is what kissing is like, it's nothing special" I didn't feel a thing, my mind was all clear and I got, well, bored (gosh this sounds awful). I kissed the same guy a few times more and those times was more satisfying... This makes me sound like a douche, I promise you, I ......   reply
13 06,2016
13 06,2016
Both my parents and I think two of my five siblings know that I read yaoi and my little brother tries to tease my by saying stuff like "You and your gay porn" or "go and read your gay porn" but I just reply "Yep! Jealous?". My parents found out beacause I told them ( actually I just wanted to know how they would react) and they were like " And...?"......   reply
13 06,2016
[DELETED] 13 06,2016
Yunjae.   1 reply
13 06,2016
Pain, tbh. It was an accident. He was dared to kiss me in the cheek, but I got scared (coz he breathed down my neck) so i turned my head. It was more a bump of faces than a kiss, really (we both busted our lips)   2 reply
13 06,2016
I was 12, I think? I just started high school, and Facebook was fairly new back in 2010 so ya know, being prepubescent and all that jazz i joined an anime group that posts pics and screencaps with no title so, silly lil me asked in the comments section what the title of this one anime is (it was //.Hack, i think?) and someone told me it was (guess ......   2 reply
13 06,2016
I became part of the Yaoi world this year! {Newbie} It happened 6-7 moths ago.This was the time when I started with the anime. So one my schoolmate {she has been secret fujoshi} told me about "Love Stage" But the things which she told me were: It's about a boy,who crossdreses for an advertisement.He has to partner with another boy.After years,when......   1 reply
13 06,2016
Hell, yeah! Any down time is yaoi time (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I read the manga through a phone app, so i can read while im in the train. Heck, everyone else is on their phone anyway so nobody gives a frak ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ When there are times that im super bored and not in the mood to exert any effort at work (ahahaha), i lay my phone in front o......   reply
13 06,2016

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