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learn a new skill

People who did this (41)
2021-07-03 09:03:03

to perfectly (rush) finish all my assignments on the exact same day as the due date
2021-06-08 09:22:20
2021-06-02 06:28:44

Eeee picked up knitting not too long ago but i made a bunny stuffie !!! Its pretty cute to,,, gave it to my little sister qwq
2021-06-02 05:56:01
2021-04-09 15:18:04
2021-02-15 06:23:11

guess what girlies, I can multitask now. ;)
2020-10-15 19:47:01

2020-10-08 15:27:26
2020-09-24 21:40:55

bite my nails (lmao i started this habit recently due to pressure)
2020-09-24 18:10:44

how to purge :P
2020-09-24 17:58:03

me and my family have been binging forensic files, so now i know how to kill someone and get away with it.
2020-09-24 17:13:47

being depressed and a dumbass at the same time
2020-09-21 02:40:50
2020-09-08 22:48:06

I learned how to not give any fuck’s and how to MIND MY BUSINESS. I recommend this to MANY PPL.
2020-09-08 22:37:59

2020-06-03 17:35:36
2017-08-31 23:56:39
2017-05-25 10:20:40

and I will always try to learn anything and everything. I love knowledge. And skills are a kind of knowledge.
2017-05-24 17:17:38

Sewing. Making music. Basketball.
2017-01-08 17:15:59