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a fun fact about yourself

People who did this (54)
2020-11-23 18:00:18

i s e e y o u
2020-11-20 03:29:54

I Can't die in peace til I finish all my want to read list
2020-11-20 03:11:28

I like to think I'm a special person. I really doubt it though. Everyone wants to be special. I'm not any different. Not exactly a fun fact
2020-11-20 03:02:55

what the person below me said
2020-11-20 02:54:21

I want to fucking die
2020-10-11 04:49:46
2020-08-20 07:12:02

I'm the worst neighbor you could ever have. I'm literally loud af and I talk to myself often, not to mention im clumsy so I drop a ton of st
2020-08-20 06:01:24

Fun fact about myself, I have the ability to forget every single interesting thing about myself when asked this question.
2020-08-02 10:48:35
2020-08-02 00:04:54

I'm a humane, crazy Ikr
2020-08-01 23:14:08

im a rude bitch and idgaf about anyone else thats why i dont have Friends
2020-08-01 23:10:36
2020-08-01 22:35:43

I love ass
2020-08-01 20:56:42

Most would think I'm rude,I'm just being honest lolz <3