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adopting cats

People who did this (244)
2020-06-08 21:53:53
2020-06-08 19:08:42

(¬‿¬) all those street cats coming and staying after they got comfy with our lawn, can't blame them so cute~ now I'm left with street dogs..
2020-06-08 17:12:19

Yeee I had many but now I'm left with only 3.
2020-05-20 10:32:58
2020-04-28 18:00:21
2020-04-01 18:10:43
2019-10-22 22:50:30
2019-08-10 10:26:27

I have 2 fur babies both are sweet
2019-05-13 00:47:51

I did and she is the love of my life!!!!! Planning to adopt another rescue kitty soon. Cats are love <3
2019-01-16 23:45:02

I had to beg my dad to have them but now I have two little girly cats~
2018-09-26 14:26:28
2018-08-05 11:45:33
2018-08-05 04:16:54

She just walked into our house and made herself at home.
2018-08-05 01:06:34

She was an angel, died just recently and i miss her so much
2018-08-04 22:50:40

The only we ever had is my 13-years-old cat Pimpon. He is my grandma's and we took him when she passed away. He's an asshole but I love him
2018-07-13 21:38:54
2018-05-31 17:03:13

Aliera and Bear are mother and daughter, who were living in a van with 4 other kittens, the father cat and 2 humans, before we adopted them.
2018-05-31 10:24:40
2018-05-31 08:24:56

2018-05-12 11:01:14