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shipping real life people

People who did this (263)
2020-11-09 23:01:38
2020-11-05 09:03:27
2020-11-04 09:07:33
2020-11-03 00:41:23
2020-10-14 01:24:54

Myself x myself
2020-10-14 00:33:42

Haha my 2 males male friends can go blow off to each other
2020-09-21 18:56:53
2020-09-15 08:50:47
2020-09-09 17:12:45
2020-09-09 15:35:29

I ship so many of my friends together ;) I am the "shipper" thx my dude for giving me that name :3
2020-09-09 12:55:27

Sorry my guy friends, i keep shipping u too but just whats up with THE SEXUAL TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO, even one of their gf agrees to me.
2020-09-09 12:31:38
2020-09-09 11:56:30

Dumbass me shipped my friend and the other because they’re close friends. They played along and tried to kiss but not mouth-mouth tho LMFAO
2020-09-09 11:47:40

So weird if you ship people who don't have any romantic connection at all.. I ship but at least those who are romantically interested w/ eo
2020-09-09 08:11:46
2020-09-09 07:33:20

ah yes, dreamnotfound, lizkook, etc. there are many (jk actually not much only if there are large signs)
2020-09-09 07:21:59
2020-08-26 01:52:48
2020-08-22 14:36:43
2020-08-14 07:23:00