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learn japanese chinese korean

People who did this (233)
2021-07-22 19:22:50

I'm trying to learn Jap. I memorized kana and hiragana, but I'm really scared at learning Kanji. And even grammar. Lord, why so hard
2021-07-22 16:43:32
2021-07-22 16:42:03

bro- im half chinese and half japanese, i just learnt korean lmao
2021-07-22 16:15:02

In grade school I studied Korean but got busier and forgot it already but I know a few words. lol
2021-07-22 14:36:00
2021-07-22 13:44:52

korean. i can now read and understand a bit.
2021-07-22 13:22:35

Well currently learning both Japanese and Korean. 안녕하세요! And now... さやうなら、ごきげんよう!
2021-07-22 13:22:12

memorized korean letters for years now, i lost interest so i can’t understand the language. the same to japanese, excluding kanji.
2021-07-22 13:20:06

out of all these three, japanese is the easiest. i studied mandarin in elementary school but forgot most of the han zi now lol
2021-07-22 13:13:46

i'm learning korean but the vocab ain't easy, as for japanese 'ん' is the only thing i can memorize for sum unknown reasons
2021-07-22 11:58:44
2021-07-22 11:55:44

I tried to learn all of them. Damn the Korean letters is so hard to learn and also Chinese. I get the hang of Japanese but I stop.
2021-07-22 11:47:04

I tried to learn korean, but i only memorised the letters. I can read them but not translate to eng. Fuck
2021-07-22 11:44:52

I studied it in my degree, Japanese is...well, it's quite something. I'll probably be learning it for rest of my life
2021-07-22 11:30:38

Man my mom made me learn Korean for 6 months when I was younger since she wanted to move there but turns out we didn’t and I forgot abt it..
2021-07-22 10:43:25

I did learn mandarin and arabic before in school, but my dumbass didn't practice and forgot all of it just finished learning japanese tho
2021-07-22 10:26:44
2021-07-22 10:08:17

I am learning japanese
2021-07-18 19:13:25
2021-07-18 11:47:22

i was force to , but look how i turn out. i didnt take any chinese lesson anymore tho but i can still converse with chinese people