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meet harada sensei

People who want to do this (101)
2018-06-17 03:16:26
2018-06-17 00:16:35
2018-06-16 22:58:52
2018-06-12 10:30:32
2018-05-09 22:51:49
2018-05-06 01:08:14
2018-04-01 19:30:29
2018-04-01 10:32:47

I would love to meet Harada-dono without the distance or the language barrier being an issue! I just honestly love some of Harada's works!
2018-04-01 05:58:43

I really want to know what inspires harada-sensei to do the work they do; or see what their personality is like
2018-03-19 20:22:55
2018-02-28 10:58:39
2018-02-28 02:07:04
2018-02-27 15:22:46
2018-02-27 11:01:33
2018-02-27 05:47:40

I love Harada so much
2018-02-27 02:51:38

I would get a tattoo of the date if I met her. I just love her and admire her as an artist.
2018-01-12 23:54:03
2017-11-06 08:46:53
2017-07-28 18:56:27
2017-04-02 07:54:31