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have not been okay at all

People who did this (61)
2021-01-21 05:22:35
2021-01-21 05:00:02

i’m never okay lol
2021-01-21 04:56:23

I felt sick since this morning, but I feel happy bc of the ppl in this site idk they’re interesting asf
2021-01-21 04:37:39

I’ve been feeling shitty all week.

2021-01-21 04:29:22

2021-01-17 13:34:14
2020-12-26 12:00:12
2020-09-29 19:11:11
2020-09-25 06:38:29
2020-09-25 05:02:22

Why're we all depressed
2020-09-18 22:48:50
2020-09-18 20:49:15

Haven't you notice? All the time..
2020-09-03 11:11:43
2020-08-29 18:23:18
2020-08-29 17:47:40
2020-08-29 17:22:24

Huh i dont know anything called being okay.
2020-08-29 17:07:45

Being okay is really a thing?
2020-08-29 16:38:22
2020-08-29 16:13:25

Lmao I don't remember when I've been okay
2020-08-29 16:09:48

Trauma has severely affected my way of thinking