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get to know you

People who did this (207)
2019-06-22 16:30:20

I am 16, I will be 17 in September. I live in the US. (Not that I want to. But you know, that might have to do with the US's idiot leader.)
2019-06-21 02:36:39

Yes I do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2019-06-20 16:56:37
2019-06-20 02:50:39
2019-06-17 00:41:57
2019-06-16 08:29:06
2019-06-12 15:59:04
2019-05-11 06:56:09
2019-05-06 03:16:03

Looooonnnnnngggggggg explanation
2019-05-06 02:47:10
2019-05-06 01:59:15
2019-05-05 19:54:05

Hey! we already share an interest in one thing, let's get to know each other! Ask away! :)
2019-04-14 15:38:41
2019-03-09 16:49:41
2019-03-08 06:15:32
2019-03-03 16:19:14
2019-01-12 04:06:55
2019-01-09 22:48:03
2019-01-06 18:37:03
2018-12-16 07:39:41

I got my first crush in my freshman year of high school. Before then, I never understood people who'd pursue that kinda thing.