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People who want to do this (160)

2021-02-08 15:49:41
2021-02-08 13:27:48
2021-01-30 04:08:16
2021-01-29 18:55:23
2021-01-28 01:25:05
2021-01-28 01:22:01
2021-01-28 00:43:07

my mom will kill me ;-;
2021-01-27 23:57:55

This is Jamaica, I can't
2021-01-27 23:56:38

when you want to do it but it’s super out of character since you’re supposed to be the “goody two shoes”
2021-01-27 22:36:25
2021-01-27 22:14:02
2021-01-27 18:27:40
2021-01-24 20:59:27
2021-01-24 15:31:48
2021-01-24 14:58:53
2021-01-24 13:37:23
2021-01-24 13:32:30
2021-01-24 13:20:18
2021-01-24 12:06:16
2021-01-24 06:42:16