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look for a therapist

People who want to do this (59)
2020-11-20 13:17:11
2020-11-18 21:11:02
2020-11-18 20:11:36
2020-11-16 21:34:21
2020-11-16 20:54:01

Not i want , i need
2020-11-16 18:40:09

My parents aint doing shit lol
2020-11-16 17:03:15
2020-11-16 16:13:30
2020-11-16 12:46:29
2020-11-16 11:28:17
2020-11-16 11:25:45
2020-11-16 05:21:35
2020-11-16 05:11:37
2020-11-04 23:14:17
2020-11-04 22:37:29

if only I could go into the actual therapy w/out choking up whilst tears are in my eyes :)
2020-11-04 21:44:59

Yeah I must be weird but I love yaoi (/^//~//^/)
2020-11-04 21:01:05

therapists are expensive lol
2020-11-04 20:37:27

*coughs* emotional baggage *coughs*
2020-11-04 20:12:35

I'm not even sure if this is my life anymore