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read yaoi in public

People who want to do this (93)
2018-11-26 20:08:22
2018-11-25 22:59:58

I would want to but can't cause if I did u know what would happen
2018-11-25 20:11:13
2018-08-07 22:22:35
2018-06-07 15:03:27
2018-03-18 02:33:28
2018-02-26 20:28:13
2018-02-26 10:22:06
2017-08-18 00:13:05
2017-08-11 00:50:05

I mean, I don't like to go out so that would make me happy (? but I can't take out my smartphone I have read some on family meetings tho
2017-08-10 18:40:47
2017-08-09 04:48:02

I would sooooo do it even if I was in a public place but I don't have a phone ;-;
2017-06-26 18:32:12