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second hand embarrassment

People who did this (32)
2020-12-26 11:58:15
2020-12-05 07:27:02
2020-11-30 18:37:35

hey i mean-
2020-11-26 21:10:05
2020-11-26 20:29:41
2020-11-26 19:56:26
2020-11-26 19:42:45
2020-11-26 19:07:29

I get so flustered when people do the smallest little thing and they get embarrased. Your embarrassment makes me embarrased.
2020-11-26 18:59:59

To every BLs i read
2020-11-26 18:51:24

I embarrass myself in front of myself
2020-11-26 17:45:31
2020-11-26 15:35:40

Looking back at middle school me