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People who want to do this (137)
2021-01-16 02:21:44

it’s not the dating part that i want, i’m just touch starved :/
2021-01-16 01:15:49
2021-01-16 01:01:06

Dating is so overrated. Like how can u even trust a human? Anyways all i want is someone hot to cuddle.
2021-01-16 00:29:57

TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR MY S/O️ serious inquires only pls babes, also pls have a pee kink. if you don’t, this will NOT work :/ /hj mwah mwa
2021-01-15 23:52:35
2021-01-15 23:47:45
2021-01-15 23:28:55
2021-01-15 23:25:07

I want a girlfriend. ;-;
2020-11-16 17:48:10
2020-11-16 16:50:36

i feel like it'll be burdensome but at the same time, when i read of those happy couples online, i cant help but wish :(
2020-09-07 08:31:36
2020-09-06 20:36:26
2020-08-27 06:29:44
2020-08-25 03:45:13
2020-08-17 08:01:23
2020-07-20 23:43:47
2020-07-14 10:09:41
2020-06-23 21:24:02
2020-05-17 08:50:29
2020-05-17 08:00:32