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having friends

People who did this (87)
2020-07-01 10:33:49

except I'm not exactly sure. I was never so close to anybody except for a few people that I can count with one hand.
2020-07-01 10:10:24

they all fake af except for one
2020-07-01 10:00:36

I have the same friends since I was 7, well I did lose contact with some but I did make new friends along the way (^∇^)
2020-07-01 09:21:42

My family use to move from state to state a lot so I've never ready settled for more than a year but now I have
2020-07-01 08:39:32

its awesome ngl been friends with them since 3rd grade
2020-07-01 07:03:22

I have few close friends but, I’m never opposed to making new ones. (:
2019-11-22 22:14:54