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touched grass

People who did this (133)
2021-04-26 22:09:40
2021-04-19 21:18:16
2021-04-12 22:28:18
2021-04-06 06:06:09

It made me itchy, hated it.
2021-04-06 04:01:39

I’ve touched it, ate it, inhaled if, nothing helps. It’s a scam.
2021-04-06 03:46:30

That was...the first and last time I went out
2021-04-06 01:58:50

I rolled in it during a picnic with my family members. It was fun. :)
2021-04-06 01:37:33
2021-04-06 01:35:58

Did not help with the Internet addiction,though
2021-04-06 01:11:03

Felt like nanami's pubes
2021-03-16 18:47:52
2021-03-13 02:20:35
2021-03-12 10:46:30
2021-03-12 10:23:57
2021-03-12 09:43:25

yeahh so softt..
2021-03-12 08:55:56
2021-03-12 08:46:32

Someone here ate some too I-
2021-03-12 08:38:44

I don't wanna end up in the horny jail.
2021-03-12 08:38:39
2021-03-12 08:01:04