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get a tattoo

People who did this (177)
2019-08-10 20:43:08

depending on where you get it, it just feels like you're scratching a rash.
2019-08-10 18:28:01

It wasn’t that bad, I have two actually, it just felt like getting bitten by a bunch of little bugs, but you get used to it.
2019-08-10 08:35:09
2019-07-16 08:32:23

I did it with my sister and mom, we decided to get one together
2019-07-03 09:36:55
2019-07-03 03:42:21

A month after I turned 18 I got one, same thing on both arms, I love it as I based it off of my favourite PS4 game, Dynasty Warriors.
2019-07-02 18:54:41
2019-07-02 05:52:25

I have two, my first one I got is the bloodlust/berserk symbol from WoW, the second is a small snake I got with my family. (^_^)
2019-07-02 03:09:07

I've two. One covering my entire left shoulder blade and another small one on my right wrist. Both have meanings behind them.
2019-07-01 17:40:58

Well, yeah. I actually got my 12th! ^^
2019-06-30 01:14:17

2 tats. Arm and chest area
2019-06-29 22:45:54
2019-06-29 22:31:33

stick and poke babbeeeeey
2019-06-28 22:35:35

Fucking love it to pieces even though it's just a sort of little dragon going around my wrist. My mom and I drew it together.
2019-06-13 23:27:52
2019-06-05 15:03:03

I have Narwhal on my right ankle an Alice in wonderland themed owl on left leg and a anatomically correct heart with a keyhole on my arm
2019-05-14 05:53:37
2019-05-01 03:19:26
2019-04-30 00:38:17

I have tattoo of Ying / yang wolfs (white one eating sun and black one moon) and it is located between my shoulders blades
2019-03-11 02:53:05