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stuck my cock in a blender

People who want to do this (69)
2021-10-26 15:48:31

I just tuck my dick in between of my legs and make it look like a vagina
2021-07-26 21:24:24

Unfortunately, i dont have one
2021-07-26 13:14:07

2021-07-26 12:00:03

Do yall see the number of likes the last written comments or answers are getting like damnn
2021-07-26 11:57:30

Uhm? I don't have a dick but I surely know a sane person won't put their cock in a blender Now I'm concerned for the ppl who did this •...•

2021-07-02 19:47:04

Bih huh wha1
2021-06-27 19:57:37
2021-06-27 19:55:56
2021-06-27 19:40:06
2021-06-24 09:00:39
2021-06-23 08:29:19
2021-06-23 07:41:36
2021-06-23 07:41:26

I wanna stick my dick in a bag of Doritos
2021-06-23 07:01:43

2021-06-23 06:14:08
2021-06-23 05:54:36
2021-06-23 04:46:48
2021-06-23 04:38:05

I ain’t got one
2021-06-23 03:42:33
2021-06-23 03:36:25

Forbidden milkshake??