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buy vibrator

People who want to do this (59)
2021-05-16 16:37:53
2021-05-16 16:18:15

I legit want to but i can't coz i share a room with my older sis
2021-05-15 16:06:08

Yes omg I been so tempted but I live in a small apartment with 5 other people so I don't know where imma put it
2021-05-15 15:37:47

maybe in the future hmm..
2021-05-15 15:36:45

I’m 15, but when I move out of my mom’s house I’m gonna get one
2021-05-15 14:57:22
2021-05-15 14:41:54
2021-05-15 14:37:43

Just u wait, ill move out of my parents house soon
2021-05-15 14:37:12

I'm a bisexual male with no experience whatsoever, and I actually want to get one but I don't have a room of my own so no can do lol
2021-05-15 14:26:09

not only do i not have money i also don't have my own room. but i really want one
2021-05-15 14:06:06

Too much of a broke btch for that
2021-05-15 12:53:57

I don't want to do. I just curious how ppl buy it online
2021-05-15 12:36:50

I wish I have the money to buy one
2021-05-15 12:04:17

I have been checking the online shop for a while now but I am still scare to buy it
2021-05-15 10:56:47

But im still minor
2021-05-15 10:27:07

i wonder how it is... hehe
2021-05-15 09:39:24

That's kinda acary
2021-05-15 09:36:24

Ew no
2021-05-15 09:35:27

ever heard of an electric toothbrush?
2021-05-15 08:56:28

if i get my own bank account one day