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i like girls

People who did this (160)
2021-12-09 18:12:42

Not only do I like girls, I only seem to like straight girls :"D
2021-12-09 05:41:33

I had a crash on older gurl bruh we have 8 or more year age gap bruh
2021-11-20 18:28:54
2021-10-26 09:43:05
2021-09-30 05:23:24

*Laughs in pan*
2021-08-14 23:25:07

i had a crush on this girl since 6th grade because she was so nice and cute but i dont think she likes girls
2021-08-11 20:18:15
2021-08-11 19:35:00

One of my classmates and we're kinda friends. Wanna confess but I'm afraid if she rejects me it'll be awkward between us haha
2021-08-09 17:22:31

Because women
2021-07-17 09:14:38
2021-07-17 08:50:01

** smirking in bisexual ;) **
2021-07-17 08:19:34

Im a bisexual in family full conservatives and christians
2021-07-17 08:13:57
2021-07-17 08:11:51

im bisexual, so yes xD
2021-07-17 07:41:57

Hell yes
2021-07-17 07:40:40

2021-07-17 07:34:05
2021-07-17 07:17:35
2021-07-17 07:12:17

2021-07-17 07:06:50

i am bisexual