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expecting too much

People who did this (27)
2020-11-05 01:04:00

when i hope that i wont make an absolute fool of myself in literally any situation
2020-11-05 01:01:49

2020-08-22 10:13:13
2020-08-08 00:24:45

i'm really selfish
2020-08-08 00:05:12

I regularly expect a decent behavior from some people and get disappointed
2020-08-07 21:56:39

I romanticized dating way too much and then ended up disappointed when my s/o wasn't as romantic as I'd hoped :/
2020-06-08 00:08:21

As a high school senior I wanted to so many new things: attend prom, go to state tournament for knowledge bowl, etc. But then covid,,,,