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get yaoi manga book

People who want to do this (395)
2016-07-16 16:19:50

I reeeeeeeeeeealy wanna do this, but I just can't find anyone in my coutry T_T
2016-04-26 10:16:51
2016-04-26 06:35:31
2016-04-25 15:56:30
2016-04-22 06:10:01

...but im closeted. what if someone finds out
2016-04-20 09:07:51
2016-04-13 23:40:47

I really want a collection (even a small one would be nice) but my country does not have shops that sell them not even popular onesTT_TT
2016-03-16 05:27:10
2016-03-15 19:12:07

I actually have one book with some pseudo-manga shounen ai stories... Not enough tho.
2016-03-14 23:36:40

I'm terrified to even try to buy one since my family shares an account and my mom questions every little thing anyone buys. She could even see library books on my kindle.
2016-03-14 23:06:06

i'd like to know all the sites where you buy yaoi books online.
2016-03-14 22:40:27
2016-03-14 12:23:34
2016-03-14 09:38:59
2016-03-14 05:16:45

i really love reading yaoi but i don't still have a manga book. and the country i live in doesn't have such manga shops. wish i could own a yaoi manga book of my own.