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make friend from this site

People who did this (88)
2021-04-04 17:53:07
2021-02-09 08:03:35
2021-02-03 21:40:56
2021-02-03 03:44:15

I made a few friends on here
2021-02-02 05:18:58
2021-02-02 05:03:14
2021-01-28 14:57:21
2021-01-09 19:42:59

i have few people i met here where i can call friends but dunno if they would call me their friends.. most of them would.
2021-01-09 13:44:03

2021-01-09 13:09:09
2021-01-09 10:43:59
2021-01-06 07:35:58
2021-01-04 18:16:52
2021-01-02 00:21:02
2021-01-01 11:09:54

This site gave me soo many good friends if anyone want to be friend with me u can follow @leviaot7890 we can talk about yaoi and other stuff
2020-12-30 05:34:18
2020-12-30 05:27:35
2020-12-30 02:39:25

Yup, some I text on discord others I text somewhere else. The gc is always dead though ;-;
2020-12-30 02:36:49

i made real friends here,maybe one day i can meet them
2020-12-30 02:21:00

honestly, to all these users who are saying they want a friend on here, hit me up immediately.