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having no friends

People who did this (46)
2021-05-07 14:45:23
2021-05-07 14:34:25

It's fun and also sad. You got no one to talked about your fav things.
2021-05-05 01:59:50
2021-05-05 01:20:48

It's so tiring to maintain friendships... I just don't like being seen alone.
2021-05-05 01:11:38

Yeah well whats new
2021-03-11 05:16:59
2021-01-22 00:04:28
2021-01-21 23:38:45

I am. But dis sounds off lol. How can you have no friends. you can't have em bcos ther is none
2021-01-21 23:33:11
2021-01-21 22:30:43

2021-01-21 21:59:05
2021-01-21 20:00:53

I do but i dont care i spend most of my time watching youtube and shit and porn too im fucking depressed these days go quarantine be ruining
2021-01-21 17:46:19

I do have but all they wanna do is smoke,drink and do drugs like bitch can we go out and have fun? Idk y im still friends with them lol
2021-01-21 17:21:46
2021-01-21 16:37:24

i have friends but theyre boring asf
2020-12-08 22:05:49

I have so many friends
2020-12-08 19:35:29
2020-12-08 19:12:13

2020-07-10 22:00:36

2020-07-10 21:32:06

o o f