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the most pain you felt

People who did this (97)
2020-12-01 02:51:47

everyone did not loved me, even my family that was the most painufl thing i felt
2020-12-01 02:26:22

Basketball hit my face
2020-12-01 02:17:53

I Haven’t had much experience with physical pain But Emotional.
2020-12-01 02:12:54

I slammed the door when my finger was in the gap, not a good idea, it fucking hurts
2020-12-01 01:47:28

stubbed my toe on the cabinet
2020-08-22 10:13:07
2020-07-25 20:21:03

The worst one I've felt was when I was going through puberty and was grinding my teeth. That causes me to have toothaches for months
2020-07-25 19:33:09
2020-07-25 17:15:20
2020-07-25 15:50:23

The weird pain I felt everytime misunderstanding never get solved... it's ache my heart for some reason? A trauma in past maybe...
2020-07-25 15:12:06

I fell in love with a guy and he fell in love with me then he fell out of love
2020-07-25 14:42:59

Worst PHYSICAL pain was when I broke my wrist risk at the age of 8 <(。_。)>
2020-07-25 14:27:18

falling from a building in a dream ( it felt real hurt bruh )
2020-07-05 06:10:05

Used to like a guy who liked me back but i wasn't confident in myself to be with him so i didn't say yes to him until he left the country
2020-07-05 05:20:18

It's pretty simple. My little brother said he doesn't trust me. Then for the first time I knew what it was like to get stabbed in the heart.
2020-07-05 04:10:26

Suffered from a heart disease when I was 5-6 y.o
2020-07-05 03:56:55