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lol could it be menstrual?
lol what if it was poison
then y dafuq did u call me to dis meeting
who jokes about stuff like this? gross
bitch wtf?!
what a psycho, good riddance
where are his nipples? lol
wth? she's never heard of a bookmark?
you durty waste of space thing, live in waste
no the fuck it's not you useless twat of a roach. waste away in darkest depths of the mantle
BITCH It was a hug, not marriage ya psycho!
y DAFUQ r u worried about a relationship you're not even in, you BITCHES! dusty roaches
the delusiontry lol
wtf is this manga?
what a reaction to a already fucked up scene
beautiful? wtf is that, a rat?!
I haven't anything sincere come out of his mouth
738 photos
19 08,2020 created

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