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wat a bully -_- :< XD
secretary san you stalker >.< XD
XD hahahaha! dat hammer from secretary dude XD
soap opera -_- XD
fear tactics..... thats right.... XD
dat scariness!~~ XD
dat. dat sadness TT_TT
those adults agree that its bachan XD
dats a nice tiger -_- it feels accomplished bby scaring kidsXD
dat rejection XD
niceee~~ XD
dat misunderstanding XD
dat nice throw~~ XD
dat awesomeness!! he made those costumes~~~ XD
dat kendo stick yo >.< XD O.o
XD he hit him! XD
hahahah "if you dont shut up right now.... XD
the secretary makes the lunches XD
49 photos
30 03,2015 created

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